
dribs and drabs造句

"dribs and drabs"是什么意思   


  1. People arrived at the party in dribs and drabs
  2. Then squander a sovereign in dribs and drabs
  3. Taxes were collected in dribs and drabs
  4. We have to pay in dribs and drabs
  5. A bob here and there , dribs and drabs . on the wholesale orders perhaps
  6. It's difficult to find dribs and drabs in a sentence. 用dribs and drabs造句挺难的
  7. Another is the way that bad news comes to light in dribs and drabs , rather than in one cathartic revelation
  8. She had concocted the whole story from dribs and drabs of gossip picked up at back doors and in the shops
  9. I had no idea of the circumstances behind the gossip , but i think this dribs and drabs let me feel on top of the world
  10. Thereafter it was dribs and drabs of this sort , until one morning carrie suddenly remembered that she would not be back until close to dinner time
  11. Steel bar and reinforced concrete , nine to five , numerous and complicated day after day , when you and me degenerate into biology that are good at disremembering , especially for come and go in one day as well as our dribs and drabs feeling when we wander around the times river
  12. Through the analysis of the urban space and behavior represented by the dribs and drabs in italian movie malena , this article unscrambles the street space which exists in specifically time and location and tries to widen the artistic field of civil planner in the cognition of urban space by the artistic filmic form


  1. "driberg"造句
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  7. "dric"造句
  8. "drica moraes"造句
  9. "drice"造句
  10. "drick ur ditt glas"造句

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